Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Blount comes to OTA motivated!

We here at BuccaneerTalk.com, believe that with competition comes excellence. If a person believes that their status may be affected by the performance of another, that person will work that much harder to prevent the overtaking.  Look no further than RB LeGarrette Blount for a clear sample of this fact. When giving interviews after today's OTA, Blount's comments ring clear, showing concern for losing his starting job.

Blount stated "Them drafting a running back might be what I needed to become an everydown back."

Here are a few more of Blount's quotes:
"I kind of had an idea they were going to draft another (running back) so I came back in the best shape possible,''.  Blount, is almost 10 pounds leaner than he was at the end of last season, when he was listed at 6-foot, 247 pounds.

"(It's mine) until they take it away,'' Blount said of the No. 1 runningback spot that many believe will go to Dougie Martin, the Boise State product they drafted in the first round in April.

"We have to see who performs,'' Schiano said. "As we talked about earlier, you earn your touches here.''

The Bucs spent a first-round pick on Martin and seventh-round pick on another running back, Michael Smith, in the draft. Despite the battle it's created, Blount welcomes the additions.
"We needed it,'' he said of the added depth at running back, where the Bucs had just Blount and little used Mossis Madu prior to the draft. "I can't carry the load all by myself.''

"Everyday I'm proving more and more that I can play on every down. It's still a process, but I have the offense down and I'm in really good shape and so the ball is really in my court.''

"Nobody can affect my carries but me,'' he said. "What (Martin does) doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is how I practice and how fast I get the offense down. That's the only thing that's going to affect my carries.''

We here at BuccaneerTalk.com, think that Blount has the physical ability to be a very good back for the Buccaneers. The only thing that may hinder him is what is found between his ears. Today's NFL takes extreme dedication and committment for perfecting one's craft. If Martin and Smith can motivate Blount, the Buccaneers may find they have one heck of a trio at the running back position.

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